Technology is a rapidly evolving field, with new software and frameworks released frequently it’s hard for business leaders to know
which technology is best and harder for software developers to know what’s the latest and greatest.
Most education providers allow you to select from a list of pre-canned courses at a time they have already scheduled.
At NIS Technologies, we revolve around your needs.
In addition, we provide courses either in person or on-line for distance learning. Not everyone has the same schedule
so classes can be scheduled evenings, weekends, or holidays, either in person or instructor-led on-line.
Courses are tailored to what you want, when you want it, and how you want it!
We offer classes in the following areas:
SQL Server Development
- Introduction to Database Fundamentals
- Introduction to T-SQL
- Advanced T-SQL Functions
- Introduction to SSRS(SQL Server Reporting Services)
- Introduction to PowerBI
- Using SQL Operations Studio
- Using SQL Server Management Studio
- Accessing files in a database using FileStream
- Storing and Searching Files in SQL Server Filetables
- Implementing SQL Server Temporal Tables
- SQL Server Security Features
- Always Encrypted with Secure Enclaves
- Implementing JSON functions in SQL Server
- Machine Learning in SQL Server
- Using Python in SQL Server
- Full-Text Search in SQL Server with Custom Proximity
- Using Statistical Semantic Search
- Introduction to Azure Services
- Introduction to Azure Data Studio
- Introduction to Azure BOT Service
- Using QnA to Create a FAQ BOT Service
- Implementing Text Sentiment Analysis
- Using Language Understanding Intelligent Service
- Implementing Azure Custom Vision Service
- Integrating Azure Search with Apps and Web Sites
- Using Azure Custom Decision Service
- Implementing Azure Text-to-Speech
.Net Development
- Introduction to C#
- Introduction to VB.Net
- Introduction to Entity Framework
- Introduction to Unit Testing
- Introduction to Xamarin Forms
- Introduction to MVC5
- Introduction to IoT Development using C#
- Entity Framework Code-First Migrations
- Introduction to Web APIs
- Advanced Features in Web APIs
- OData Features
- Capturing SQL Change-Tracking Events in EF Core
- Building Web Apps with Blazor
.Net Application Security
- Non-Coding Procedures for Securing .NET Applications
- Tools and Procedures for Securing .Net Applications
- Configuring a Secure Application
Web Technologies
- Introduction to HTML5
- Introduction to CSS3
- Introduction to JavaScript
- JavaScript Threading, Communication, and storage Features
- Introduction to Python
Contact us to create a course plan best for you: